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How to Know if You are Going Through a Spiritual Awakening

The spiritual awakening process is a natural evolution of who we are. Life is filled with ups and downs, which can sometimes leave us feeling lost and confused. But these challenging times often become catalysts for our personal growth, even though we may not be consciously aware of it at the time.

If you’ve found yourself questioning life, looking for more meaning, or generally feeling like your world is turning upside down, then you may be going through a process called a spiritual awakening. Read on to discover exactly what this is, why this spiritual awakening occurs, and how to become spiritually awakened.

What is a spiritual awakening? 

A spiritual awakening is a shift in your consciousness, and feels a bit like waking up after a long time of feeling disconnected. You may become aware of things you didn’t notice before, question your habits, conditioning and belief systems, and even experience physical symptoms.

Spiritual awakenings can strike when we are least expecting it. You may experience dark and challenging times, where you feel lost and cut off from everything and everyone. This process is known as the ‘dark night of the soul’, and will see us purging anything in our life that no longer fits.

Many people wonder, “How long does a spiritual awakening last?” The truth is this process of personal transformation may take very little time, or much longer. As our spiritual awareness begins to peak, we find ourselves at the beginning of a spiritual journey. 

What causes a spiritual awakening?

Perhaps you are wondering, “Why did I have a spiritual awakening?” When it comes to how to have a spiritual awakening, it’s something that cannot be planned for. Your awareness may slowly rise over time, or you may wake up one day with a completely different perspective on life.

There are many reasons for awakenings, including life changing events that cause you to reassess your outlook, or an intuitive search for more purpose in life. Whatever the catalyst for change, this usually happens exactly when you need it to.

What are the benefits of a spiritual awakening? 

Each stage of our spiritual awakening can offer a gift, with unknown possibility, if only we can ground ourselves in the present moment. Here are some of the ways in which a spiritual awakening will improve your life:

  • New perspectives and beliefs.

  • Feeling more in tune with your intuition.

  • Deeper self-trust.

  • Better relationships.

  • A more profound sense of connection to yourself and your true nature.

  • More connection with your values.

  • Feeling called to be of service to others.

  • Heightened senses and awareness.

  • Living more positively and with meaning.

  • Increased empathy and compassion.

  • Experiencing more joy, lightness and fun.

  • Feeling a sense connection to the Universe.

  • Feeling more peaceful, loving and calm.

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